Häkelmuster Pumpkin Jack

8.00 10.00  (-20%)~ 8.53 $

Verkauft durch: ElenaTro

Auf Lager

Crochet Pumpkin Jack Pattern Medium difficulty level Related photos of the process Halloween Home Decorations The pattern contains two options for the design of the head Minitoys shop

Missbrauch melden

Hi, I am Elena. I am presenting a crochet pattern Pumpkin Jack.


In the pattern 2 head design options. The head is put on the frame, you can change heads.


Skill level: intermediate. There are not any crochet lessons in this pattern.


ATTENTION! This pattern is for your personal use only. Please do not reproduce, distribute, translate, sell or change the pattern and images in any way. It’s prohibited. However, feel free to sell the finished toys, mentioning the designer: Troshina Elena.


The size of the finished toy is 13 cm without a hat. In a sitting position.

When crocheting this toy, you can use any yarn.

Files will be available for download after payment is confirmed.


I do not accept returns, exchanges or cancellations. But, if you have any questions or problems downloading the file, please email me!


This diagram contains a detailed description and photo of the process.




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  • Name des Geschäfts: ElenaTro
  • Anbieter: ElenaTro
  • Noch keine Bewertungen gefunden!

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