Crochet Pattern, Sponge Amigurumi

2.80 4.00  (-30%)~ 3.00 $

Verkauft durch: Do_bro_v_dom

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Crochet Pattern, keychain Sponge Amigurumi. These babies will decorate your briefcase, bag, keys whatever. When using the necessary materials, the sponge turns out to be a sprout of about 10 cm. This is a knitting pattern, not a finished product. You will receive a crochet pattern in English and Russian in PDF format. It consists of 9 pages.

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Crochet Pattern, keychain Sponge Amigurumi. List of required materials: Plush yarn: yellow (80313), white (80301), brown (80337, 80336), black (80311), red(80318) colors (I use Himalaya Dolphin baby). Crochet hook № 3,75. Filler (I have holofiber). Eyes 12, 16 mm on a secure mount.  Needle, marker, scissors. Black iris yarn. Keychain mount. Glue. Felt or ready-made circles 20 mm.

A little bit about the rules of use: The toy, according to this tutorial, can be used at your discretion, sale, including on the Internet is allowed. Please indicate the name of the author when showing the toy, I will be very grateful to you. Copying, rewriting of this tutorial is prohibited. It is intended only for your personal use. The tutorial does not contain crocheting lessons and assumes the presence of basic crocheting skills. Return of goods is not possible! After payment, download the file yourself!



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Do_bro_v_dom
  • Anbieter: Do_bro_v_dom
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