Crochet Emoji pattern/ Amigurumi Emoji/ Crochet heart eyes

4.13 5.90  (-30%)~ 4.40 $

Verkauft durch: monstrodom

999 vorrätig

This Crochet Emoji pattern includes 13 pages of detailed crochet description, about 30 photos, and a list of materials.

The finished toy has an approximate size of about 8 cm – 3.1 inches – in case of using the yarn indicated by me.

This pattern doesn’t contain crochet lessons. Initial skills are required.

Das Muster ist in englischer Sprache verfasst (US-Begriffe).

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This Crochet Emoji pattern includes 13 pages of detailed crochet description, about 30 photos, and a list of materials.

The finished toy has an approximate size of about 8 cm – 3.1 inches – in case of using the yarn indicated by me.

This pattern doesn’t contain crochet lessons. Initial skills are required.

Das Muster ist in englischer Sprache verfasst (US-Begriffe).

If You have any questions, write to me and I will answer You.

P.S. This emoji is the top of the ice cream. It is attached with a button. I have divided the main pattern for those who have already bought any other ice cream pattern (Pumpkin ice cream or ice cream “Snowman”). But this emoji can also be used separately. You just won’t sew on the button.




Materials needed:

1. Yarn YarnArt Jeans 50g/160m (55% cotton, 45% polyacrylic): yellow – No. 35, red – No. 51.

2. Thin black threads for smile design.

3. Beads that match the main color scheme.

4. The button is metal. The diameter must be at least 16 mm. The button should be tight enough. (If You will use this emoji as the top part of the ice cream).

5. 1.75 mm crochet hook

6. Fiberfill.

7. Dry pastel for tinting (red), brush.

8. Needle with wide eye for sewing pieces, thin needle (for beadings) and regular sewing needle for details, pins, scissors.

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Valentine’s Day



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  • Name des Geschäfts: monstrodom
  • Anbieter: monstrodom
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4.13 5.90  (-30%)~ 4.40 $

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