Crochet amigurumi pattern Christmas Santa Gnome, PDF pattern

2.70 3.00  (-10%)~ 2.88 $

Verkauft durch: BabyEcoToys

998 vorrätig

This Gnome ornament is a perfect handmade addition for you to work up and add to your Christmas decorations. Children will love it from year to year and can enjoy decorating the tree since it isn’t breakable!


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Please note that this is a crochet pattern (PDF-Datei), not the actual toys.

✩ This listing is an original pattern (written in English, French and German) to create your own cute ornament for your Christmas tree – Santa Gnome! The toy measures approximately 15 cm (6″).

✩ The format of the instructions is a PDF document of 14 pages with detailed instructions and 84 photos to provide visual help for the process.

✩ LANGUAGE: The pattern is available in ENGLISH using American terminology, GERMAN, FRENCH.

✩ SKILL LEVEL 2: Elementary

✩ SKILLS: This pattern is suitable for those with beginner crochet skills and have knowledge of magic ring/circle, chain, single crochet, single crochet increase and invisible decrease, back and front loops, half double crochet and double crochet, slip stitch and basic sewing.


To view a PDF pattern some people may need to install the FREE download “Adobe Acrobat Reader” program on their computer.

The file will be available for download immediately after purchase.



You are welcome to sell your finished items however you like, but please do not copy and/or redistribute this pattern including translations to other languages. Please provide a link to my store if you are selling your finished toys online.


If any questions come up during the process or you have difficulties downloading the pattern, please ask me!

Thanks for shopping and happy crocheting!


  • Name des Geschäfts: BabyEcoToys
  • Anbieter: BabyEcoToys
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Crochet amigurumi pattern Christmas Santa Gnome, PDF pattern

2.70 3.00  (-10%)~ 2.88 $

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