Clothes doll Witch Pattern

6.00 10.00  (-40%)~ 6.42 $

Verkauft durch: Myteddystore

50 vorrätig

Sewing tutorial and pattern clothes for a doll.
Sewing tutorial includes hat, cape, dress, pants, broom, shoes and pumpkins.

Missbrauch melden

Tutorial on sewing the hat, cape, dress, pants, broom, shoes and pumpkins of the doll 20 cm.
The tutorial doll is presented in a VIDEO format.
These are short videos – 2 to 9 minutes long.
I show in detail all the stages of creating a hat, cape, dress, broom, shoes and pumpkins for doll. The video has text in English. You can play your favorite music or movie and enjoy the creative process =)
Pattern (drawing) clothesin the format PDF.

The sewing tutorial includes:

1. How to sew a Dress (video + pdf pattern);

2. How to sew a Cloak (video + pdf pattern);

3. How to sew a Hat (video + pdf  pattern);

3. How to sew a Pants (video + pattern);

4. How to sew a Pumpkin (video + pattern);

5. How to make a Broom (video).

All clothes are removable.


Important: The sewing tutorial does not include body patterns, doll hairstyles. You can buy this from my store.

You will receive patterns hat, cape, dress, broom, shoes and pumpkins of the doll in PDF format. You will also receive links to video tutorials that you can watch online or download.

My video tutorials are very, very detailed and understandable. You don’t need to know English. In the video, I show each stage of creating a doll or clothing. You can watch examples of my video lessons on my YouTube Channel.

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By supporting me and my creativity, you are supporting a small business that is aims to create cute dolls and toys. I want to be a positive force for our peace so thank you for supporting and encouraging that!







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  • Anbieter: Myteddystore
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