Bunny knitting pattern. Rabbit toy knitting pattern

4.00 5.00  (-20%)~ 4.28 $

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Bunny knitting pattern. Rabbit toy knitting pattern

The knitting pattern for the Christmas bunny is simple and straightforward.

The scheme of the animal toy consists of:


format Downloadable PDF

skill level – Intermediate

knit on 2(3) double pointed needles in the round

10 pages of detailed description

a lot of high quality pictures of the process

the finished toy measures about 10cm

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Bunny knitting pattern. Rabbit toy knitting pattern

The knitting pattern for the Christmas bunny is simple and straightforward.

The knitting pattern of the animal toy consists of:

🐰 bunny toy boy

🐰 rabbit toy girl

🐰 gift package

🐰carrot for rabbits

Soft knitted doll in PDF format

🐰10 pages

🐰37 process photos

We knit with two pointed knitting needles, but you can knit with circular knitting needles. Can be knitted from leftover yarn.

Materials and tools

The size of the finished toy depends on the yarn you choose. If you want to make a toy that is larger or smaller than the pattern, you should use finer or finer yarn.


Alize Alpaca Royal #55

Alize Angora Cold #185

Alize Angora Cold #55

Alize Angora Real 40 #56

Alize Angora Real 40 #654

brown thread for details of the eyes and nose

green thread for carrots

fibrous filler (synthetic winterizer or hollow fiber)

sewing needle

2. knitting needles 0 mm (us 0)

2. hook 5 mm (US 0)

The finished disappearing rabbit is about 10 cm (3.9 in) tall in the case of natural resources without ears.



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