Cat crochet pattern Cat amigurumi

5.00 ~ 5.35 $

Verkauft durch: naza_toys

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Crochet pattern Amigurumi cat

Das Muster enthält keinen Grundkurs im Häkeln - die Grundkenntnisse sollten Sie schon haben!

This tutorial contains a detailed pattern of crochet cat

The height of the finished toy is 10’’ or 26 cm

The pattern in PDF format includes:

☑️ recommendations on the selection of materials and tools
☑️ photo processes
☑️ my help if necessary
☑️ Links to videos of some difficult moments of creating a toy

You can crochet the cat with another yarn but the toy will be another size!

(The eyes I use for this toy are 16-17 mm)

Sie können mich gerne kontaktieren, wenn Sie Fragen zum Muster haben.
Ich würde auch gerne Ihr fertiges Spielzeug sehen.

This pattern is only for free personal use. You are not allowed to translate, sell or distribute this pattern without my permission, please send a direct link to whoever wants to share this pattern. You are free to sell your finished product.

Missbrauch melden

Crochet pattern Amigurumi cat

Das Muster enthält keinen Grundkurs im Häkeln - die Grundkenntnisse sollten Sie schon haben!

This tutorial contains a detailed pattern of crochet cat

The height of the finished toy is 10’’ or 26 cm

The pattern in PDF format includes:

☑️ recommendations on the selection of materials and tools
☑️ photo processes
☑️ my help if necessary
☑️ Links to videos of some difficult moments of creating a toy

You can crochet the cat with another yarn but the toy will be another size!

(The eyes I use for this toy are 16-17 mm)

Sie können mich gerne kontaktieren, wenn Sie Fragen zum Muster haben.
Ich würde auch gerne Ihr fertiges Spielzeug sehen.

This pattern is only for free personal use. You are not allowed to translate, sell or distribute this pattern without my permission, please send a direct link to whoever wants to share this pattern. You are free to sell your finished product.



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  • Anbieter: naza_toys
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