Biggers 32 cm Swimwear Dress Pattern PDF

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Biggers 32 cm Swimwear Dress Pattern

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Biggers 32 cm Swimwear Dress Pattern

😅 I wanted to dress up all my dolls for the new year (it’s a pity that I only have 2 hands🙈🙈🙈😅)

🎄Introducing the “Unicorn” outfit for Biggers 32 cm from Berjuan! 🎁

📌 Pattern of dress and bottoms without seam allowances. For swimming trunks, we make an allowance only along the side seams – 0.5 cm!‼

✂ The bodice of the dress is lined, it is sewn in the same way as I sewed a dress on a mini Paolochka. ✂ Swimming trunks are also sewn like I sewed on Baby Born, Paolochek!

🤗Tulle flounces are sewn onto the petticoat, and the top one is sewn along the waistline. Everything is simple! 😉

🎊The headband is all your fantasy: you will need some silver and halo eco-leather, flowers for decoration and glue. I pasted Glue Moment Crystal! Wire and satin ribbon!

Video from MK dresses (similar)

How to sew a rosette dress for Pepita doll 21cm

How to sew a top and bottoms for a Gotz doll



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Mashenka
  • Anbieter: Mashenka
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