Author’s doll “Countess Grantham”

230.00 ~ 245.10 $

Verkauft durch: shersheladoll2

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Author’s doll made of self-hardening plastic

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The proud Dowager Countess Grantham, was born “on the banks of the Neva, where, perhaps, you were born or shone, my reader” (c)
The Countess loves to walk alone, but deep down she dreams of finding herself a companion to have small talk and share her wisdom and experience, she loves her dog Dolly and wears it in her arms)
The doll is a portrait, sculpted from the image of actress Maggie Smith from the series “Downton Abbey” (who watched) It is pleasant to be near the doll, it exudes nobility and sophistication from it. As a bonus – a small felt dog Dolly (it is separate, you can put it in the hands of the doll, you can take it off)) The doll has its own home-made textured box, on the inside of the box there is a portrait of the Countess.

doll height – 41 cm

Schifffahrt Kontinente: Europa

Zusätzliche Information

Größe 41 × 41 cm



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  • Name des Geschäfts: shersheladoll2
  • Anbieter: shersheladoll2
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