Antonio Juan Munecas Martina 52 body scarf patterns

4.00 ~ 4.28 $

Verkauft durch: Mashenka

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Antonio Juan Munecas Martina 52 body scarf patterns

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💖💖Body and scarf for Martina Antonio Juan Munecas 52 cm!!! 💖💖

📌 Pattern without seam allowances 📌

✂The body is sewn in the same way as the fusion. Ribbed elastic is sewn along the bottom of the sleeves and legs. Sew around. Fastening on the back with buttons!!!✂

💥How to sew a bodysuit✂, you can watch 📹video from MK 📺on our YouTube channel “How to sew a fusion for a doll Antonio Juan Munecas Martina 52cm Part 1” and part 2!

✂🤗 The scarf is sewn very easily and quickly:

✅ We process the outer edge: overcast, fold with an open cut and sew with a zigzag stitch.

✅ We bend the other edge with a closed cut. We insert an openwork elastic band from one edge, before that, having measured it in length – 4.5 cm.

✅ We sew on a typewriter.

✅Insert the other edge of the openwork elastic band into the other edge and fix it.



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  • Anbieter: Mashenka
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