Amigurumi Milky Mug, PDF ENGLISH crochet pattern

8.70 ~ 9.31 $

Verkauft durch: KruToysAndPatterns

999 vorrätig

Swipe to the last photo to get instruction how to buy the pattern on this website.

Crochet pattern of cute amigurumi mug by KruToysandPatterns.

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!!Please note!! It is a PDF manual in English and not the finished product!!

This crochet pattern will help you to make amigurumi crochet mug from KruToys. The pattern includes instructions for toy.

This tutorial is easy to follow, includes 16 pages and over 40 steb-by-step photo of prosses.

ATTENTION: For making this toy you will need the wire. This toy is wireframe. Please pay attention on this fact. 

 Skill level: elementary,  but you must know main stitches: single crochet, double crochet, half double crochet, increase, decrease.

Please note that you can use any yarn color.

The materials suggested in this pattern will help you create a mug that will be identical to the one in the photos.

If you decide to use the suggested materials, your mug will be about 2.56 in (5 cm) in height if done with a Clover hook.

If you have questions or difficulties in crocheting, you can ask me and I will gladly help you!


⚠️Swipe to the last photo to get instruction how to buy the pattern on this webste.⚠️


KtuToys ❤

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