Amigurumi acorn baby rattle PDF ENGLISH crochet pattern English language digital tutorial

5.00 ~ 5.35 $

Verkauft durch: NKknitingBY

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This hook will help you make amigurumi a cute rattle of acorns.

The pattern includes instructions for the rattle.


This guide is easy to follow.

It includes 16 pages of descriptions of how to make a toy, and 27 step-by-step photos of the process.


Level: average, but you should know the basic stitches: a column without a cape, a column with a cape, a half-column with a cape, an increase, a decrease.


Please note that you can use any yarn color.

The materials offered in this template will help you create a rattle that will be identical to the one shown in the photos.


You can ask them to me, and I will be happy to help you!

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This hook will help you make amigurumi a cute rattle of acorns.

The pattern includes instructions for the rattle.


This guide is easy to follow.

It includes 16 pages of descriptions of how to make a toy, and 27 step-by-step photos of the process.


Level: average, but you should know the basic stitches: a column without a cape, a column with a cape, a half-column with a cape, an increase, a decrease.


Please note that you can use any yarn color.

The materials offered in this template will help you create a rattle that will be identical to the one shown in the photos.


You can ask them to me, and I will be happy to help you!



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  • Name des Geschäfts: NKknitingBY
  • Anbieter: NKknitingBY
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Amigurumi acorn baby rattle PDF ENGLISH crochet pattern English language digital tutorial

5.00 ~ 5.35 $

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