Dalmatinerwelpe Clyde

220.00 ~ 235.49 $

Verkauft durch: dolls_couturier

Auf Lager

Dalmatinerwelpe Clyde

Missbrauch melden

The shipment is included in the cost of the work !

Do you have a friend?!

So here he is , a little Dalmatian Clyde.(17 cm excluding tail )

Realistic puppy is sewn from faux fur .

The body has an anatomical skeleton that allows the limbs to bend at the joints .  The puppy can sit , lie down , stand on its hind legs .

Realistic eyes look right into your heart!

Horsehair mustache

The ears are on a frame , which allows them to change position .

The effect of wet nose and wet eyes .


You will be able to pay with the occasion of an online Western Union to Turkey !

– the golden Crown! It will take two minutes !

– I guarantee the decency of payment and dispatch of the parcel



sending parcels via Turkey ! 100% delivery guarantee



sorry, there is no return of the product

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht 0.7 kg
Größe 20 × 30 × 20 cm


Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
4 Sterne 0 0 %
3 Sterne 0 0 %
2 Sterne 0 0 %
1 Stern 0 0 %

1 Rezension für Dalmatian puppy Clyde

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  • Name des Geschäfts: dolls_couturier
  • Anbieter: dolls_couturier
  • Noch keine Bewertungen gefunden!

I guarantee reliable packaging and delivery


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